On here I will try to divulge as much information as possible regarding front row play. Hopefully I can get some tips and videos on the props binding as well as some hooker tips. It may be difficult to do this on the internet as scrumming is mostly practical… but I will try find and explain as much as possible

Prop Basics:

3 Types of binding:

1)      Short (Under armpit)

2)      Medium (Arm slightly bent, in middle of body)

3)      Long (Arm straight extended as far as possible)


Arms must be locked in a 90 degree shape from your shoulder

Neck must be tensed up so that the shoulders and arm do not move easily

There should be two arches in your back before you engage…

1) In your lower back, thrust your hips backwards to achieve this, and

2) In your upper back, so squeeze your shoulder blades together as tight as possible (you must practice this!)

You should be on the balls of your feet, with your toes acting like they are gripping sand.

Don’t go down too early as the tension in the knees (power) dissipates after 4 seconds, so rather get into crouch position last, build the power and tension and then be dominant in the hit

Scrumming Basics:



Tighthead (T/H)


Laws: 20.3 (d) Binding by tight-head props:

A tight-head prop must bind on the opposing loose-head prop by placing the right arm outside the left upper arm of the opposing loose-head prop.

The tight-head prop must grip the loose-head prop’s jersey with the right hand only on the back or side.

The tight-head prop must not grip the chest, arm, sleeve or collar of the opposition loose-head prop.


1) He must try to push the opposition loosehead down as much as possible so that his hooker cannot see the ball and it becomes very difficult for him to hook

2) Get the left shoulder out – with the binding over your loose-head’s arm, otherwise you may become twisted if you don’t

3) If the tight-head wants to stop the wheel then they push their left shoulder back behind his hooker, creating a smaller gap for the opposition hooker to aim at. It keeps the loose-head out of the game

4) The worst position to do on engage is to go UPWARDS or INWARDS

5) T/H should be scrumming on L/H’s head not chest!

6) 3/4 of your chest should be over your toes in the crouch position

Loosehead (L/H)



20.3 (c) Binding by loose-head props

A loose-head prop must bind on the opposing tight-head prop by placing the left arm inside the right arm of the tight-head and gripping the tight-head prop’s jersey on the back or side

The loose-head prop must not grip the chest, arm, sleeve or collar of the opposition tight-head prop.

The loose-head prop must not exert any downward pressure.


1) He must aim to keep the opposition tight-head UP so your hooker can see what he’s doing

2) Try to delay your binding on the opposition until as late as possible – this prevents their tight-head from pulling you down

3) If the opposition tight-head can turn your left shoulder down, then you are twisted and de-powered, so keep your elbow HIGH

4) Beware of counter actions (counter what you are trying to do). The opposition prop will be trying to disrupt you.

5) Vary your own binding actions. It is easier to scrummage against a predictable prop.

6) Think about changing the binding for a five metre scrum – do something completely different…They won’t be expecting it!

Prop Tips:

1) Move the head, the body follows. Very NB to know and understand!!

**Thus use your shoulders and arms to move head in direction you want opposition to go in

2) If opposition T/H has outside foot in front, L/H should drive in and upwards, T/H should see his ass and the pop

3) T/H Binding on engagement: Push elbow forward and down pulling L/H arm downwards, this pulls his body downwards

*L/H to stop T/H doing this by putting his elbow up high and binding short

4) T/H must work very hard after engagement! Work upper and lower body hard, provide constant pressure

5) If T/H hips above head after engagement, you should drop hips and drive forward in strong body position. (120deg)

6) Move opposition props head to the outside, his centre of gravity moves with it, thus he becomes unstable

7) The T/H’s weakness is his head, so if your T/H try pulling your head in as much as possible


8) T/H must dominate the bind!


Problem Solving:

1) Loosehead boring into T/H:

*T/H to push his head against L/H as hard as he can, this stops him boring in.

2) L/H being dominated by opposition T/H by having his shoulder forced downwards:

*To fix, L/H lets go of bind, puts hand on knee and pushes upwards, forcing his outside shoulder up

3) Beating a big T/H:

*Loosehead to use his shoulder to push the T/H’s head downwards, so his body follows

*Smash T/H early so he doesn’t achieve his 120deg, he must then take a step backwards

Some Videos on the Front Row:

Tips on How To Scrum…

Front Row Binding…

Prop Engagement… Look at his body position

Prop and Lock Engagement…

Front Row Engagement…