As with The Side Step, the other basic running skill is the Swerve.
The Swerve, like the Side Step, is used to beat your defender in a one on one situation.
It is also used as the basic set up of many moves, particularly in the Backline, and are fundamental to creating space for the attacking team.
Note that the basic principles of rugby are represented again in creating more time and thus space in the hope of avoiding the contact with the defence.
Continue running at top speed
Implement the action up to 10 metres away from the contact point
Quarantine the defence by running towards the nearest defenders by crossing the outside leg over the running line of the inside leg
Change direction away from them by veering away into the outside space by a second changeover with the inside leg crossing the running line of the outside leg
Lean acutely into the turn
Accelerate off in an arc to take advantage of the defender’(s) hesitation.